About Biz

Biz is a fintech that offers a complete platform for the next-gen of payments, banking, and corporate services, enabling the company to be prepared to be a protagonist in a decentralised economy.

The company operates as a Card Processor and Acquirer, Visa card Issuer, and Payment Institution. Its solutions allow any company to create its complete “digital bank”. They are pioneers in the Hyper Customizable Flexible MultiBenefits product with the company’s brand and colors.

Inspired by the singularity of the team’s vision, a new visual identity and EVP were revealed for Brazilian fintech Biz.

Translating purpose
into brand differentiation

The payment solution segment in Brazil is complex and bureaucratic, which often creates additional challenges for the growth of fintechs.

By bringing a clear purpose to the market, Biz believes it can make a difference: simplifying and democratizing the offering of payment solutions through technology and innovation, always focusing on its customers.

To express such a strong internal purpose, Biz realized the need to renew its brand to align the team’s values with its new vision for the business, with the new brand positioning and employer brand as drivers of this new moment.

Authentic Brand and Employer Brand, created from the inside out

CultureCode’s premise is to be inspired by our client’s purpose and internal culture, using their uniqueness to express an authentic Brand and Employer Brand.

We teamed up with Biz’s People and Marketing teams, co-creating a journey of discovery that involved workshops, individual interviews, and assessments, so that we could integrate leadership and team visions, transforming them into identity codes.

Together, we created:

Brand and Culture

Brand territory

EVP – Employee Value Proposition

New visual identity

Nova identidade visual

Biz EVP: materialization of the essence and what makes them unique

The design of the EVP: Biz was created taking as a starting point the essential pillars that inspire the team to embrace the growth vision for the business.

More than defining culture, the BIZ EVP is the materialization of what makes the team unique, not only through the solutions they offer but mainly through how things are done at Biz.

The EVP has the Biz way: it’s the Biz Code. It was born from the inside out and is already born alive, co-created by everyone. Thus, it’s the team’s actions that will make this EVP cohesive and alive.

“Our culture has always been people-oriented, and our biggest challenge is maintaining this strong pillar in Biz culture, even in accelerated growth. CultureCode’s work has provided us with tools to work on this issue and will undoubtedly help us boost our brand, both for customers and employees. Working with a new identity allows us to make the change we are making from the inside out, alive and real.”

Marina Knoll – People and Culture Manager at Biz

We can't wait to unlock
your team's potential!